In Memoriam Mr. Antonio Monroig Malatrasi Member of the Board of Governors of the University of Puerto Rico

I cordially welcome you to the Rotunda of our great Tower of the Río Piedras Campus, to celebrate a Memorial Ceremony for Antonio Monroig Malatrasi, member of the Board of Governors of the University of Puerto Rico.

On behalf of the Board of Governors of the University of Puerto Rico, we express to his widow Mrs. Emma González Joy, his children Mariemma and Charles, Felipe and Jill, his granddaughters, family and friends, our deep sorrow for the physical loss of our dear friend Antonio Monroig, whom we all knew as Toñito.

He was born on February 7, 1944 in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. His parents were Antonio Monroig and his mother, Elda Malatrasi. He began his schooling at the Santa Rosa Academy and then at the Academia del Perpetuo Socorro in Miramar, graduating 65 years ago, a date that today Saturday would have been celebrated with dear friends at a luncheon he helped organize. “As a student and childhood friend, he is remembered as a cheerful companion, a good friend, who liked music, dancing, and who was never heard to speak ill of anyone,” said his friend Marisa Escudero.

His interest in justice and government relations led him to study Political Science at the University of Puerto Rico where he obtained his bachelor's degree in 1965 and then in 1968 he obtained his Juris Doctor from the Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Then in 1978 he obtained a certification in Government Affairs Management from Harvard University and later in 1994 he obtained another certification in International Business Management from Georgetown University.

As a lawyer, he was licensed to practice his profession in Washington, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the State of Virginia.

Mr. Monroig was a founding partner of the Lasa, Monroig and Veve Law Firm in Washington, DC, along with distinguished attorneys Armando Lasa and Michael Veve, where he focused his expertise on government relations.

As a public servant, he stood out at the federal and state level. For example, he served as Under Secretary of the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the administration of President Ronald Reagan. Another important contribution to our Hispanic community was when he served as the liaison between the White House and the Hispanic community by serving as Chairman of the White House Task Force on Hispanic Affairs also under the Reagan administration.

In Puerto Rico, he served as: Chairman of the Board of the Puerto Rico Solid Waste Authority; General Counsel of the Puerto Rico Cooperative Development Administration and as Deputy Director of Legal Services for the Municipality of San Juan. Likewise, he served as Special Assistant to the Mayor of San Juan.

In his role in national politics, he served as the President of the National Hispanic Assembly of the Republican Party from 1995 to 1997. Mr. Monroig actively participated in the electoral processes in both national and international elections with his analysis and political advice. His performance led him to serve in presidential candidate campaigns as an advisor to the Foreign Affairs Committee.

In his civic work and as a patron of the arts, Mr. Monroig contributed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the James Monroe Foundation and a member of the Board of Directors of the Virginia Opera.

His passion for the lyrical arts also led him to serve on the Board of Directors of Teatro La Luna, the Performing Arts Society of Washington, DC; the Casals Festival, the Opera Camerata of Washington, and the Municipal Theater of San Juan. More recently, he collaborated with cultural entities such as: CulturArte, Opera de Puerto Rico and the Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico.

Lcdo. Antonio Monroig Malatrasi was a member of the Board of Governors of the University of Puerto Rico for eight years, where he stood out and collaborated in the following committees:

Academic, Student Affairs, Research and Innovation Committee

Development Committee

Infrastructure and Technology Committee

Special Committee on Academic-Administrative Restructuring and University Reform

Financial Affairs Committee

Audit Committee and the

Appeals, Law and Regulation Committee

One of Mr. Monroig's greatest contributions to the University of Puerto Rico was the development of the University of Puerto Rico Foundation by achieving, under his role as President of the Board of Directors of the University of Puerto Rico Foundation Inc., the achievement of obtaining federal tax exemption 501 c 3 from the United States Internal Revenue Service, granted to non-profit entities. With this classification, the Foundation has served as a philanthropic arm of the University of Puerto Rico, making it possible to access donations to the university and its units.

Legacy of Mr. Antonio Monroig: As a legacy to the philanthropic project of the Foundation, to which he dedicated so much with his advice, professional experience and selfless generosity, he and his family expressed their feeling that, in his memory, donations be made to the scholarship fund of the University of Puerto Rico Foundation. Therefore, the Mr. Antonio Monroig Malatrasi Memorial Fund has been created to fulfill his wish.

On behalf of the Board of Governors, I thank everyone for their presence at this tribute to this great public servant, friend and collaborator of our beloved University of Puerto Rico.